

Contraband policy

Contraband Policy

To maintain a safe environment by strengthening safety and security through the control of contraband.

Scope of Policy:

This policy applies to all New Directions staff, clients, and visitors.


  • Contraband – includes electronic devices, cell/smart phones, cigarettes drugs, drug paraphernalia, alcohol, firecrackers, smoke bombs, weapons, or other materials possessed by a student determined to be in violation.
  • Possession For purposes of the policy, possession would be defined as contraband being found on the person of the student, in a student’s coat or other clothing, or otherwise under the student’s control.
  • Uncooperative Behavior-resistance or refusal, whether verbal, physical, or passive, on the part of the student to comply with the reasonable requests or recommendations of New Directions personnel. Defiance, assault, deceit, and flight shall constitute examples of uncooperative student behavior.

Responsibilities and Procedure

  • New Directions staff will conduct a reasonable search that shall include walking through a metal detector, metal detector wand, clothes search that includes emptying pockets, removal of socks and shoes, open bag search of a student’s person upon their arrival to the program.
  • In no case shall New Directions staff conduct a strip search or body cavity search of a student manually or with an instrument. Impermissible searches include asking a student to remove or arrange some or all their clothing to allow a visual inspection of the underclothing, breast, buttocks, or genitalia of the student, and/or undergo the inspection of parts of the student’s underclothing or body.
  • When there is a suspicion of contraband on the person that is not visible, New Directions staff will request the student to disclose the suspected item(s). If the student refuses, they will be permitted to proceed with the day under observation while the New Directions staff make effort to call the parent/guardian and request their assistance to come to the program and search their child.
  • All contraband found during searches will be seized and used as evidence against the student in disciplinary reviews.
  • New Directions prohibits possession of any electronic device, including cell phones, smartphones, smartwatches, earbuds, or any other device that has the capability to take photographs, record audio/video, or provides for a wireless, unfiltered connection to the Internet by students on school property, on buses and other vehicles provided by the home school district.
    • New Directions shall not be liable for the loss, damage or misuse of any electronic device brought to school by a student.
    • In the event of an electronic device being brought to school as a first offense, the item will be held by the primary therapist until the end of the day and then returned to the student to take back home. Parents/guardians will be notified of the offense.
    • In the event of a second offense with an electronic device, the item will be confiscated and will not be released back to the student. The device will be locked in a secure location, a parent/guardian will be notified and required to pick up the prohibited item.
  • Any confiscated item shall be returned at the discretion of New Directions administration.
    • If the student brings candy, gum, or any other food related item not associated with a lunch, the item will be thrown away and parent notified.
  • The Program Manager or other appointed staff members shall be responsible to ensure that confiscated items or material are properly inventoried and secured until the conclusion of disciplinary action, if any, and are then properly disposed of if not appropriate to be returned to the student.
    • Items or materials that are evidence of a criminal offense, or that are not lawful for ordinary citizens to possess will be promptly turned over to proper law enforcement authorities for custody or disposal and for further investigation for possible juvenile or criminal proceedings.
  • If it is necessary for an item to be picked up by a parent/guardian, a verification visit will need to be completed in the EMR noting a description of the item and contact attempts made home. The parent/guardian will then sign the verification form indicating that they have received the contraband item.

"We treat everyone as if they are family"

New Directions is a year-round program that provides a unique combination of specialized mental health treatment and comprehensive educational services. It is the only licensed partial hospitalization program in Fayette County as well as a Private Academic School. New Directions is licensed through the PA Department of Education and Department of Human Services.



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